【单选题】When a person has a BMI greater than 25 and a waist circumference of more than 40 in (102 cm) in men or 35 in (88 c) in women, there is no increased risk of ( )
cardiovascular disease
【单选题】When a person has a BMI greater than 25 and a waist circumference of more than 40 in (102 cm) in men or 35 in (88 c) in women, there is an increased risk of ( )
cardiovascular disease
【简答题】已知A、B、C、D是中学化学的常见物质,且A、B、C均含有同一种元素。在一定条件下它们之间的相互转化关系如图所示(部分反应中的H 2 O已略去)。 请回答下列问题: (1)若A可用于自来水消毒,D是生产、生活中用量最大、用途最广的金属单质,加热蒸干B的溶液不能得到B,则B的化学式可能是____________________;工业上制取A的离子方程式为______________________。...
【简答题】(1)用化学符号表示:2个氯分子______;3个铝原子______;4个镁离子______;2个硫酸根离子______;正2 价的钙元素______;氧化铁______;水______;双氧水______; (2)请在 ①氢气、②石墨、③干冰、④酒精几种物质中选择适当物质序号填空:写字用的铅笔中含______; 司机驾机动车前饮用的饮料不能含有______;属于未来新型能源的是______...
【简答题】The features of some email systems can ( ) you when a person has received your email and may also ( ) you when the person has read it.
【简答题】The features of some e-mail systems can _______ you when a person has received your e-mail and may also tell you when the person has read it.
【单选题】X6132型万能铣床制作电气控制板时,应用厚( )的钢板按要求裁剪出不同规格的控制板。
【简答题】按要求填写下列空格 (1)用化学符号表示:2个氢分子 ______;3个钠原子 ______;硫酸根离子 ______. (2)我们的日常生活与化学有着密切的联系.在①氢气、②石墨、③干冰、④酒精、 ⑤食醋、⑥盐酸等物质中(填序号),属于最清洁燃料的是 ______;司机驾车前喝的饮料中,不能含有的物质是 ______;厨房调味品中pH小于7的物质是 ______;可用作制冷剂的物质是 _____...
【判断题】X6132型万能铣床的电气控制板制作前,应检测电动机三相电阻是否平衡,绝缘是否良好,若绝缘电阻低于0.5M~ 则必须进行烘干处理。( )