【判断题】禁止把工具 .夹具或工件放在车床床身上和主轴变速箱上。
【简答题】The optimal rotation time, T, requires the forester to equate the ______ of waiting to the ______ of delaying the harvest of current and future stands
【简答题】数字频率 w 是模拟频率 Ω 对采样频率 fs 的归一化,其值是 ______ 的(连续或离散)。 模拟域折叠频率(即 Nyquist 频率) fs/2 ,对应着数字域的数字频率 。 线性时不变系统稳定的充要条件是:________________ 。
【单选题】Lighting levels are carefully controlled to fall within an acceptable level for optimal reading convenience.
【简答题】风险资产的最优组合(optimal combination of risky assets)