【简答题】县以上安全生产监督管理部门具体负责本行政区域内的( )工作,依法履行( )职能。其他有关部门依照法律、法规和规章的规定,具体负责本部门( )的安全生产监督管理工作,并接受( )的指导和监督。
【简答题】The more careful you are, the (few)______mistakes you make.
【简答题】The more careful you are, the more mistakes you will make.
【单选题】病人,女性,27岁。停经67天,下腹阵痛,阴道出血多于月经量,妇科检查:子宫如孕2个月大小,子宫颈口开大,尿妊娠试验为阳性,应考虑为( )
【单选题】According to Professor Jusczyk, a child is usually aware of the meaning of Mummy and Daddy as early as haft a year after birth.
【判断题】If a child calls ever y ma n ‘ Dadd y ’ ,then h e is extending the meanin g o f the word ‘ Daddy ’.
【单选题】Which of the following are correct readings of “ CHILD ( x, y ) & ~MALE ( x ) ” ?
x is a child of y , and x is not female.
x is a child of y , or x is female.
x is a child of y , and x is male.
x is a child of y , and x is not male.