【简答题】We all remember seeing hitchhikers, standing by the side of the road, thumb, sticking out, waiting for a lift. But it is getting rare nowadays. What killed hitchhiking? Safety is often mentioned as a ...
【单选题】Nowadays ______ is one of the official characters used by the UN.
the Simplified Chinese Character
the Complex Chinese Character
【单选题】下列各句中,加点成语的使用全都正确的一组是() 1这块神奇的土地上,既有浩如烟海的传统文化典籍,也有丰富多彩的民俗文化和各种流派的现代艺术,这些都深深吸引着前来参观的外国友人。 2今年的元宵晚会上,著名豫剧演员小香玉将《谁说女子不如男》唱得字正腔圆、声情并茂,令观众刮目相看、赞叹不已。 3最近出版的长篇小说《雪莲花开》通过对藏族姑娘卓玛的人生历程的叙述,表现了她鲜明的民族性格和一言九鼎的诚信精...
【简答题】用所给单词的适当形式填空。 f riend comfort attract complex honesty 1. The workers from countryside want to have a _______ house in the city so much. 2. The Chinese students are very __________ to their new classma...
【单选题】1kWh电可供一只“220V、25W”的灯泡正常发光的时间是( )h。