【单选题】在下面一段文字横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是( ) 杏花是诗人的宠物,自古以来,咏红杏的篇什确实数不胜数,新意迭出。 相比之下,他人之诗,没有进一步发现一枝红杏背后的盎然春意和万紫千红的整个春天。 1叶绍翁的《游园不值》,之所以人见人爱,确实有他独到的匠心。 2叶诗的动人之处就在于虽然他的着眼点是红杏却未止于红否,而是就红杏而观春色。 3着眼点虽小,而境界宏大。 4虽然从所写的景致来看,唐宋诸...
【单选题】听力原文:M: Excuse me. sir. The bus with air conditioner needs two more dollars. W: Sorry. I thought the Fare was only one dollar, just like the other buses. Q: How much is the fare of the bus with air co...
【简答题】侧向推铅球时,躯干的转体动作是由( )和( )在( )固定条件下收缩完成的。
【简答题】ISBN 码。 【问题描述】 佳佳的奶牛们喜欢看书,并且佳佳发现在他的奶牛们稍微看了些有关自然科学的书时,会产出更多的牛奶。于是,他决定更新牛棚里的图书馆,把原先廉价的小说换成数学课本。不幸的是,有些新书掉到了泥浆里面,现在它们的ISBN码很难分辨出来了。 ISBN( 国际标准图书编号)是由10位阿拉伯数字组成的编码,用来唯一地标识一本书、前9位阿拉伯数字描述这本书的一些信息,最后一位数字用来验证...
【单选题】听力原文:W: We don't think to have a reservation for you, sir. I'm sorry. M: But my secretary said that she had reserved a room for me here. I phoned her from the airport this morning just before I got on...
In the booking office.
In the reception office.
【简答题】侧向推铅球时,躯干的转体动作是由( )和( )在( )固定条件下收缩完成的
【单选题】听力原文:W: I'm sorry, Sir. The train is somewhat behind schedule. Take a seat and I'll notify you as soon as we know something definite. M: Thank you. I'll just sit here and read a magazine in the meanti...
【单选题】听力原文:W: I'm sorry, sir. Would you repeat your telephone number? M: Yes. It's 4826343. Q: What's the man's telephone number? (14)
【单选题】听力原文:W: I'm sorry, sir. The train is somewhat behind schedule. Take a seat, and I'11 tell you as soon as we know something definite. M: Thank you. I'll just sit here and read a magazine in the meantim...