But in China, the year between college and work cannot be wasted. I realized that the best way to thank someone for his help was to reach out to help other people 他没有女朋友的原因是他不想要一段给他带来束缚的关系。 (tie sb. down) 我们应尽我们最大的努力来实现我们的梦想。 (make one ’ s dream come true / fulfill one ’ s dream) 他告诉我安娜喜欢在星期天打乒乓球。 (be fond of ) Since then yoga’s popularity keeps growing. There are even yoga classes for people in their 70s! 他总是向他的老师寻求帮助。 (turn to) 每个人生来都有追求幸福和成功的权利。 (pursue) 在阅读方面跟不上班里其他同学。 (keep up with)