【单选题】短周期元素A、B、C、D在周期表中的位置如图所示,若A的原子序数为a、最外层电子数为n,则下列关系式或说法错误的是( ) A B C D
【判断题】天然气和空气混合,当天然气浓度在一定范围内时,遇明火就会发生燃烧和爆炸。燃烧时,燃烧波的传播速度较慢,约0.3~2.4m/s,而爆炸时,会迅即产生高压高温,波速达到1000~3000m/s,对管线和容器的破坏力很大。天然气产生爆炸的浓度范围为5~15%,随温度、压力升高,爆炸浓度的上限提高,爆炸范围扩大。Natural gas and air mix, when the concentration...
【简答题】某种商品在30天内每件的销售价格P(元)与时间t(t∈N * )(天)的函数关系用如图的两条线段表示,该商品在30天内日销售量Q(件)与时间t(t∈N * )(天)之间的关系如下表: 第1天 5 15 20 30 Q件 35 25 20 10 (Ⅰ)根据提供的图象,写出该商品每件的销售价格P与时间t的函数关系; (Ⅱ)根据表中提供的数据,确定日销售量Q与时间t的一个函数关系式; (Ⅲ)求该商品的日...
【单选题】I'll call you as soon as I _there. [ ]
【单选题】One of the most hazardous conditions a fire- fighter will ever encounter is a backdraft (also known as a smoke explosion). A backdraft can occur in the hot-smoldering phase of a fire when burning is i...
has more oxygen available for combustion.
has more carbon dioxide available for consumption.
produces more dense gray smoke.
is more likely to cause a backdraft.
【单选题】One of the most hazardous conditions a fire- fighter will ever encounter is a backdraft (also known as a smoke explosion). A backdraft can occur in the hot-smoldering phase of a fire when burning is i...
open a door to allow gases to escape.
make an opening at the top of the building.
break a window to release carbon particles.
【简答题】Fuel gases are very combustible and can easily explode. Explosions can occur when a gas leaks from its container and reaches an ignition source, such as an open flame or spark. In the United States, m...
【单选题】A: 'Bye, darling. Have a good trip. I'll miss you. B: I'll miss you, too. I'll call you every day.
【单选题】One of the most hazardous conditions a fire- fighter will ever encounter is a backdraft (also known as a smoke explosion). A backdraft can occur in the hot-smoldering phase of a fire when burning is i...
windows stained with smoke
flames shooting up from the building
puffs of smoke leaving the building
more intense heat than usual