【判断题】Let's take the light rail as it is the most time- and money-saving way of getting there. 翻译“咱们乘公交车吧,因为这是去那里最省时省钱的方法。”
【单选题】(78~80题共用题干)男性,31岁,咳嗽,呈刺激性,干咳,偶有咳少量黏稠痰,受寒冷刺激加重,伴气促,每天晚间、清晨均有剧咳而影响睡眠,用过青霉素、氨苄青霉素、头孢菌素和多种祛痰镇咳剂症状未能缓解。查体:双肺散在干性啰音,心脏正常。胸片:心、肺无异常。WBC 11×109/L,FEV1占预计值80%。此患者最可能的诊断是
【单选题】妊娠8周要求终止妊娠者,宜选用下列哪一种方法( )
【简答题】Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1) Why do many people spend so much time chatting online instead of talking with neighbors in their real life? 2) Let's take the light rail as it is the...
【判断题】NSAIDs 的药理作用主要是通过抑制环氧合酶而减少炎症过程中前列腺素的合成。
【单选题】Let's take the light rail as it is the most time- and money-saving way of getting there.
【简答题】Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1) The website has always posted some answers to the questions frequently raised by netizens. 2) Why do many people spend so much time chatting online i...
【简答题】Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1) The website has always posted some answers to the questions frequently raised by netizens. 2) Why do many people spend so much time chatting online i...