If you have an AT & T Business Direct account, you can have your telephone bill paid automatically each month .You can make payments online with a bank account or use one of the following credit cards( 信用卡 ):Visa, Master Card, Discover Network or American Express. When you make an online payment, please follow the instructions given below. Instructions 1. To make your payment online, click( 点击 ) the "Pay Now" link under the "Account Overview( 概览 ) ” summary. 2. If your business has more than one registered account, first select the account you need from the "Account Number" menu, and then click the “Pay Now" link. 3 .If you have never made an online payment before, you will be asked whether you want to make a payment by using a bank account or credit card. Select either “Bank Account" or "Credit Card" from the "Select Payment Method" menu. The online payment system is available Monday through Saturday, from 7:00 a.m.to 12:00 a .m.(Midnight) Eastern Time.