【简答题】排桩采用( )桩与( )间隔布置的钻孔咬合桩形式时,支护桩的桩径可取 800mm~1500mm,相邻桩咬合长度不宜小于( )。素混凝土桩应采用塑性混凝土或强度等级不低于C15的超缓凝混凝土,其初凝时间宜控制在 40h~70h之间,坍落度宜取 12mm~14mm。
【单选题】Counter is the person who works in the________.
【单选题】( ) A person who works on a plane.
【单选题】A doctor is a person who works for people. [ ]
【单选题】If a person who works in a coal mine gets paid more than a person with a similar background and skills who works in a safer job, then
coal miners must have greater human capital than others.
we have observed a compensating differential.
coal miners must be more attractive than other workers.
we have evidence of discrimination against workers outside the coal mine.
【简答题】2,a person who works obsessively