【单选题】He kept playing the same record _____until 1 had to have the room.
【单选题】The Oil Record Book, as a part of the ships official logbook, shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of _____.
3 years after making the first entry
2 years after the last entry
3 months after last entry
3 years after the last entry
【单选题】甲、乙同为一有限责任公司的股东,甲欲把自己对该公司的出资全部转让给乙,应如何操作?( )
【单选题】_____ is a written record to be kept for future reference.
【简答题】储户王某于2015年6月10日在工行某支行办理存本取息业务,一次存入本金10000元,存期一年,月利率为1.65 ‰ ,约定每3个月支取利息一次。要求:分别写出存入时;分期支取利息时;到期支取本金和最后一次利息时银行应进行的账务处理。(3+3+3分)
【单选题】_____ is a written record to be kept for future reference.