【判断题】Decentralized vacuum pump is suitable for filling machine internal space is not enough to install centralized vacuum pump, gasoline sales volume is not large gas stations.
【单选题】The power factor is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expressed as the_____ of the phase angle.
【单选题】婴儿,6个月。高热10余日,咳嗽,气促,其母患肺结核,体检:精神委靡,面色苍白,双肺呼吸音粗,肝肋下2.5 cm,脾触及边缘,前囟膨隆,颈强(±),OT 试验阴性,胸片:双肺中外带均有粟粒状阴影。OT试验出现阴性反应,最可能的原因为
【单选题】What is NOT mentioned about the solar backup system?
It is easy to install.
It requires little maintenance.
【单选题】With a purely resistance load the voltage and current are in phase, giving a power factor of _____.
【单选题】Policies are also an important factor for the car market ______ the purchasing power of people.