【单选题】(19届湖南长沙长郡中学高三上第三次调研) 针对有关媒体曝光的恶搞《黄河大合唱》等红色经典及英雄人物视频问题,政府相关部门迅速部署查处工作,排查清理下线恶搞视频,并召集 17家主要互联网文化单位召开监管通气会,明确排查范围,要求各网站全面清理同类恶搞视频和音乐。对恶搞红色经典及英雄人物的行为进行查处 ( ) 1旨在引导文化消费从多元化走向一元化 2意在继承和弘扬中华传统文化 3是我国文化市场...
【简答题】数控机床主传动的四种配置方式分别是 的主传动, 的主传动, 的主传动, 的主传动。
【简答题】How to approach Reading Test Part Five &8226;This part of the Reading Test tests your grammar &8226;Read the whole text quickly to find out what it is about. As you read, try to predict the words that...
【简答题】How to approach Reading Test Part Five &8226;This part of the Reading Test tests your ability to identify additional or unnecessary words in a text. Most lines contain one extra word which is incorrec...
【简答题】How to approach Reading Test Part Six &8226;This part of the Reading Test tests your ability to identify additional or unnecessary words in a text. &8226;Most lines contain one extra word that makes t...
【单选题】在数据库系统中,保证数据集定义正确有效的功能是( )。
【单选题】糖发酵实验中,如果产酸,可使溴甲酚紫变为 ________ 色。