【多选题】旅游地容量体系界定的基本条件是( ) The basic conditions for defining the capacity system of tourism destination are ( )
不能过度利用,要保证自然生态具有自我更替能力 A Not excessive use, must ensure that the natural ecology has the ability to replace themselves
B应充分考虑旅游者的旅游经历质量,保持合适的满意度 B Full consideration should be given to the quality of tourist experience,and keep proper satisfaction
C考虑旅游发展与其他产业的配套水平 C Considering the relative matching level of tourism development with other industries
D考虑当地社区对发展旅游的反应,将社区获利水平与付出代价间保持一个恰当水平 D Considering the local community ’ s response to tourism development, and maintain(保持 ) an appropriate level of community profitability versus( 与 ... 比较 ) the costs involved