【简答题】(28分)青海省西宁市位于湟水谷地,平均海拔2261m,近年来经济发展迅速,区域中心城市地位日益凸显。根据下列材料,结合所学知识,完成(1)-(4)题。 材料一 1996-2008年西宁市土地利用类型结构变化图(图甲) 材料二 2011年西宁市工业产值结构图(图乙) (1)“到西宁避暑,请带上毛衣”。这一说法的主要依据是 。(4分)西宁的城市形态呈条带状,主要受哪些自然因素的影响。(4分) (...
【单选题】Company A budgeted to sell and produce 7,000 units in last month. Budgeted sales price per unit was $20 and budgeted cost per unit was $15. During the month the Company sold and produced the same numb...
【简答题】排序 1. The Model GSK, a similar instrument, is in stock, and you could have it at the same price as the GSF. 2. It will be shipped as soon as you confirm this. 3. However, the spring sale drained our s...
【简答题】However The price of two items, namely colza and soybean oil, 1)______________2) __________ 3)______________________ . The figure of peanut oil, 4) _________ , 5) ___________ by 0.06 yuan to 27.39 yua...
【简答题】(28分)青海省西宁市位于湟水谷地,平局海拔2261m,几年来经济发展速度,区域中心城市地位日益凸显。根据下列材料,结合所学知识,完成(1)—(4)题 材料一:1996-2008年西宁市土地利用类型结构变化图(图1) 材料二:2011年西宁市工业产值结构图(图2) (1)“到西宁避暑,请带上毛衣”。这一说法的主要依据是________ 。(4分) (2)西宁市形态呈条带状,主要受________ ...