【简答题】读图完成1—4题。 1、影响P城市形成的主要区位因素是 [ ] A.水源 B.地形 C.交通 D.资源 2、图中B地所属气候的成因是 [ ] A.终年受赤道低气压带控制,盛行上升气流 B.赤道低气压带和信风带交替控制 C.海拔高,气温低,空气稀薄 D.地形和寒流的影响 3、BP两地实际距离约为 [ ] A.500千米 B.1000千米 C.700千米 D.900千米 4、图...
【简答题】It can be concluded from the passage that ________. A) we should not believe what we see or hear B) things moving downward are more noticeable C) people often have wrong concepts about ordinary phenom...
【单选题】From the passage, we can conclude that__________.
children should keep away from TV
TV programs should be improved
children's books should have pictures
TV has a deep influence on the young
【简答题】读“兰州市略图”,完成1~2题。 1、兰州市的城市形态是 [ ] A、组团状 B、团聚状 C、条带状 D、同心圆状 2、制约该城市形态的主要因素是 [ ] A、资源开发 B、科技发展 C、城市规划 D、地形、河流