1-1.若p、q是两个简单命题,且“ ”为真命题,则必有 ( ) A. p真、q假 B. p假、q真 C. p假、q假 D. p真、q真 1-2.的家庭全年各项支出的统计如下图所示,以下判断中,不正确的是 ( ) A.食品支出最多 B.衣着与教育的支出一样多 C.其他支出仅次于食品的支出 D.全年总支出为7000元
【简答题】Our challenge today is to work out a similar compact on the global scale, to strengthen the new global economy. If we succeed in that, we would lay the foundation for an age of global prosperity, comp...
【判断题】The Global Compact is a document created by the United Nations outlining principles for doing business globally in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anticorruption.