【单选题】2009年5月13日,戍寿险公司支付价款105万元从二级市场购买N公司发行的股票10万股,每股价格10. 5元(含已宣告但尚未发放的现金股利0. 5元),另支付交易费用1,000元。戍寿险公司将持有的N公司股权划分为交易性金融资产,且持有N公司股权后对其无重大影响。 戍寿险公司其他资料如下:
借:交易性金融资产—股票—成本1000000应收股利50000投资收益—股票—交易费1000 贷:银行存款1051000
借:金融资产—股票—成本1000000应收股利50000投资收益—股票—交易费1000 贷:银行存款1051000
【单选题】How to create enough jobs for the laid-off workers is a(n)________problem for which there is no simple solution.
【单选题】2009年5月13日,戍寿险公司支付价款105万元从二级市场购买N公司发行的股票10万股,每股价格10. 5元(含已宣告但尚未发放的现金股利0. 5元),另支付交易费用1,000元。戍寿险公司将持有的N公司股权划分为交易性金融资产,且持有N公司股权后对其无重大影响。 戍寿险公司其他资料如下:
【简答题】There is no agreement about what friendship involves or what to do if it goes ______. Has anyone ever suggested that you and your friend start seeing a friends' __________ about the dynamics of your f...
【简答题】With five days before the opening of the College Student Arts Festival, there is a(n) ______ amount of work to be done.(anticipate; suspicious; delicate; awkward; melted; immense; stretch; complain; o...
【单选题】How to increase enough jobs for the laid-off workers is a(n) problem to which there is no simple solution. A. delicate B. internal C. emergent D. complex