【判断题】As far as no teacher intervention in CLT, the assessment should be based on whether the students have achieved their communicative purpose, not whether the language they used was correct.
【判断题】在bookshop数据库中有5 个表,这五个表的结构描述见“实验数据库描述”。其中员工表employee(emp_no,emp_name,,dept,title,date_hired,birthday,salary,telephone,addr),客户表customer(cust_name,receiver,tel_no,cust_Addr),图书表books(book_no,book_na...
【单选题】关于SQL 语句:SELECT 班级,AVG(语文) AS 语文平均分 FROM 年级成绩 GROUP BY 班级 HAVING AVG(语文)>85 说法正确的是 。
执行该条SQL 语句,将会在“年级成绩”表中新加一个“语文平均分”字段
该语句中去掉“GROUP BY 班级 HAVING AVG(语文)>85”部分,照样可以正确执行
因为使用了聚集函数,所以执行该条 SQL 语句的结果只有一条记录
如果“年级成绩”数据表中“班级”字段只有 5 个值,那么该条SQL 语句的查询结果小于等于5 条记 录
【判断题】在bookshop数据库中有5 个表,这五个表的结构描述见“实验数据库描述”。其中员工表employee(emp_no,emp_name,,dept,title,date_hired,birthday,salary,telephone,addr),客户表customer(cust_name,receiver,tel_no,cust_Addr),图书表books(book_no,book_na...
【判断题】As far as no teacher intervention in CLT, the assessment should be based on whether the students have achieved their communicative purpose, not whether the language they used was correct.A. √ B. ⅹ
【判断题】As far as no teacher intervention in CLT, the assessment should be based on whether the students have achieved their communicative purpose, not whether the language they used was correct.