【单选题】患儿,女,1岁,3天前因受凉出现发热,咳嗽,喘憋,食欲减退,查体:T 37.5°C,心率140次/分,呼吸58次/分,口周发绀,鼻翼扇动,肺部听诊有中量湿啰音。病情进展,T 39.5°C,心率180次/分,呼吸72次/分,发绀,出现三凹征,面色发灰,烦躁不安,肝肋下3cm。护士考虑该患儿最可能发生的是
【简答题】Susan tried to hide her (disappoint) at her test results.
【简答题】请在公众号中编辑并推送一篇文章,介绍你家乡的风土人情、文化历史,内容与素材在网络上寻找。 要求包括以下内容。 (1)家乡的图片(至少包含一张无缝拼接信息长图、一张固定区域滑动图)。 (2)图片与文字相结合,注意排版,避免过度排版 (3)一个与家乡相关的歌曲或视频 (4)插入符合主题和内容的动态表情包 提交要求:1、发送文章链接;2、并将文章页面进行截图上传 公众号文章注意事项 1、 加入引导关注:...
【单选题】Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, made one of the Chinese people’s long-held dreams come true.
【简答题】Writing a good story is not an easy task. What’s the secret? Mo Yan, last year’s Nobel Prize winner in literature, believes his success comes from a large amount of reading. Mo was born into a farming...
【单选题】What is the speaker's last suggestion of improving one's listening?
Choose one's favorite film.
Memorize all the dialogues.
Go to a movie theater.
Practice with a friend.