【简答题】中国城市人均年产垃圾约 440 千克 ; 全国主要城市年产生活垃圾 1.6 亿吨,足可以使一个 100 万人口的城市被覆盖 1 米 ; 同时,城市生活垃圾还在以年增长 8%-10% 以上的速度增长。中国城市生活垃圾的处理率只有 58.2% ,无害化处理率更是仅为 35.7% ,远低于世界许多国家的水平,垃圾发电未来市场前景极为广阔,到 2020 年将新增垃圾发电装机容量 330 万千瓦左右,按每千...
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【单选题】—Why does the earth look blue in space?—Because most of the earth's surface ________ by ocean.
【简答题】一、数据集中和变异特征 1. 下表为甲乙两组桃树各 10 个单株的产量(单位:千克),试分别用 EXCEL 计算它们各自的平均值、极差、方差、标准差和变异系数(结果均保留三位小数)。 品种 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 甲 42 36.2 45 34.8 38.7 39 40.6 38.8 38.3 43.3 乙 48.8 38.1 44.8 36.2 35.7 47.4 35.8 4...
【单选题】-Why does the earth look blue in space ? -Because most of the earth's surface ______ by water .
【单选题】Why does the Earth show almost no signs of having been hit by numerous meteors in the past?
Humans have built over most of the craters.
Most meteors fell into the ocean and not on land.
The Earth's magnetic field repelled most meteors.
The Earth's natural geologic activity has eliminated most traces.