【判断题】证券服务机构制作、出具的文件有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,给他人造成损失的,应当与发行人、上市公司承担连带赔偿责任,但能够证明自己没有过错的除外。( )
【单选题】__ , Mark Twain became worldwide famous at once. [ ]
The novel was brought out
The novel was coming out
【单选题】The Beatles, the most famous British band of the 1960s, traveled worldwide for many years, ______ cultural barriers.
【简答题】患者男,55岁。进食哽噎感5个月,加重,体重进行性下降1个月。查体:T36.2℃,P83次/分,R12次/分,BP140/88mmHg。营养不良,消瘦。气管居中,双侧锁骨上淋巴结未触及,双肺呼吸音正常。首先要做的检查是A、纤维支气管镜检查 B、胸部X线检查 C、肺功能 D、食管吞钡X线造影检查 E、胸部CT检查 F、肝功能 提示:检查发现上胸段食管有一长5cm的狭窄,黏膜破坏,食管轴不偏,近端食管...
【简答题】The Beatles, the most famous British band of the 1960s, traveled worldwide for many years, ________ cultural barriers. A) transporting B) transplanting C) transferring D) transcending
【单选题】______ by the thought that she was having a heart attack, she screams for help.
【单选题】The Beatles, the most famous British band of the 1960s, traveled worldwide for many years,__________ cultural barriers.