【简答题】If the seller is willing to bear loading and stowing fee, FOB term may be varied as FOB ______.
【单选题】In some markets there may be only one seller、( ) is called a monopoly.
Such kind of situation
【简答题】______ means that the seller may deliver the goods with a certain percentage more or less in quantity according to the agreed auantity latitude.
【简答题】2017年 1 月,某货运代理受铁道部某队委托,为西康铁路一线桥吊装钢筋混凝土预制梁。梁长 20 米、高 0.9 米、宽 l 米,中梁设计重量为 21.7 吨,边梁设计重量为 2533 吨,吊装高度为 2.7 米。一天傍晚,当施工人员将一根中梁和一根边梁吊放上桥墩时,天色已昏暗、视线不清,于是决定收工,次日继续作业。次日上午开始重新作业。由于前日吊装上去的边梁尚垫有垫木,纵向间隙也需调整,所以首先...
【单选题】While it may be unlikely for a computer to write a best seller, a technology expert has created a computer program that writes its own fiction stories with minimal user input. The program, called MEXI...
It is a computer program that can write fiction stories on its own.
It is a computer program created by Rafael Pérezy Pérez.
It is blamed for low quality among many other descriptors.
The stories it has written is not very popular among readers.
【判断题】Shipment is to be made during June/July,2002. It means the seller may ship the goods from June 1 to July 1.( )