【简答题】十六进制数字传输系统,若码元速率为1200Baud,则该系统的信息传输速率是( )b/s。
【单选题】某男,28岁。既往有阑尾炎手术史。现因"阵发性腹痛.腹胀.呕吐伴肛门停止排便.排气2天"入院。查体:腹膨隆.全腹有压痛,无反跳痛和肌紧张,移动性浊音(-),肠鸣音亢进,有气过水声。如病人腹痛转为持续性,并伴发热,肠鸣音消失,有腹膜刺激征,腹穿抽出血性渗液。应考虑( )
【简答题】Please give a presentation about the following questions. How can you conduct effective market research? What methods can you use to conduct your market research?
【单选题】We'll forewarn you of the most common problems, including failure to research your market in sufficient detail and not setting aside enough funds for tougher financial times.
【简答题】research your market调研市场