【简答题】letter of assignment
【简答题】A.Cancel their assignment. B.Allow them to hand in their assignment a few days later. C.Help them to write part of the assignment. D.Explain to them what the assignment was.
【简答题】assignment of proceeds
【简答题】中班的三个幼儿悦悦、琪琪和星星在玩结构游戏时,自主结成合作小组,悦悦为组长。通过商量,三人决定搭建游乐场中的旋转木马。具体分工为:悦悦搭旋转木马,星星负责拿积木,琪琪负责搭夜间照明的灯。 悦悦:星星你去拿绿色和黄色的百变积木,等会我们要用的。 星星将积木拿来后就开始无事可做。 琪琪不一会儿就把灯搭好了,东张西望了一会儿,就开始用蓝色百变积木搭另外一样东西。 教师走过来,问:琪琪在搭什么呀? 悦悦:...
【单选题】While she was _________ losing her life, she was still concerned about her fellow sufferers.