【单选题】Set-up time specifies ________.
how long it takes the output to change states after the clock has transitioned.
B) how long the operator has in order to get the flip-flop running before the maximum power level is exceeded.
C) the minimum time required for the control levels to be maintained at the inputs of a flip-flop prior to the triggering edge of the clock in order for data to be reliably clocked into the component.
the maximum time interval required for the control levels to remain on the inputs before the triggering edge of the clock in order for the data to be reliably clocked out of the FF.
【单选题】For the sake of your health, you should________some time to build up your body every day. [ ]
【判断题】仅在受压区配置受力钢筋的截面称为单筋截面,在受拉区和受压区同时配 置受力钢筋的截面称为双筋截面。 仅在受压区配置受力钢筋的截面称为单筋截面,在受拉区和受压区同时配 置受力钢筋的截面称为双筋截面。 仅在受压区配置钢筋的截面成为单筋截面。
【单选题】The girl was very disappointed when his boyfriend didn’t _______at the right time.
【单选题】题干:根据《会计法》和《企业财务会计报告条例》的规定,下列各项中,不属于会计报表组成部分的是( )。
【多选题】下列各项中,属于商业银行评估流动性风险的常用流动性比率和指标的有( )。
【简答题】下面关于惯性的说法中,正确的是( ) A. 一切物体在没有受到外力作用时,总保持匀速直线运动或静止状态,这就叫惯性 B. 静止的物体有惯性,运动的物体没有惯性 C. 只有当物体从静止变为运动或者从运动变为静止时,才具有惯性 D. 任何物体都具有惯性
【单选题】下列物质中 与19.6g硫酸分子数相同的是
【多选题】【例题•多选题】下列各项现金流出中,属于企业现金流量表中投资活动产生的现金流量的有( )。