【简答题】A man walked into a restaurant. The restaurant advertised it had the menu in the world. The manager was very proud of being able to provide any dish, no matter how it was. At the bottom of the , there...
【单选题】N五2 基本上没有长期储存功能,仅以暂存或随进随出方式进行配货、送货的配送中心是 ( ) 。
【单选题】How did the restaurant manager to attract so many people?
By lowing the price of its food
By improving the quality of its food
By giving the man and the lady menus with different prices
With the waiters smiling to the guests when they came in the restaurant
【多选题】黄祖辉、傅琳琳在《新型农业经营体系的内涵与建构》一文中认为,新型农业经营体系具有多个层次的特征:( )。
【多选题】黄祖辉、傅琳琳在《新型农业经营体系的内涵与建构》一文中阐述的内容包括:( )。
【单选题】The manager had the________stranger thrown out of his restaurant,as the fellow in rags enjoyed a grand meal without any intention of paying one coin. [ ]
【单选题】Who does the restaurant manager report to?