【简答题】‘Now, as with so much of our childhood, the farm is no longer the same. Grandpa is gone. The barn has been rebuilt. The softball sits idly on the shelf. Grandma no longer cooks her huge family dinners...
【简答题】在 Word 文档编辑中,要将插人光标移动到文档的开头位置,快捷键是 .
【单选题】下列句子翻译正确的一项是( )
室西连于中闺,先妣尝一至。 译:轩跟西边的内室相接,过世的母亲曾经来过一次。
迨诸父异爨,内外多置小门,墙往往而是。 译:等到诸位伯父(分家)别起炉灶,里里外外装了许多小门,隔墙到处都是。
吾妻归宁,述诸小妹语曰: “闻姊家有阁子,且何谓阁子也?” 译:我的妻子从娘家省亲回来,转述小妹们的话说:“听说姐姐家里有个南阁子,那么阁子又是什么样子的呢?”
轩凡四遭火,得不焚,殆有神护者。 译:项脊轩共遭过四次火灾,能够不被烧掉,大概是有保护神吧。
【简答题】 a quilt often means more than just a really warm blanket; sometimes it's like putting together a scrapbook( 剪贴簿 ) of memories. In the past, quilts were often sewn from scraps of fabric l...