【简答题】某企业2011年1月份发生的交易或事项有: (1)购入固定资产,取得的增值税专用发票标明价款30000元,增值税额5100元,材料已验收入库,价税款以银行存款支付; (2)销售给A公司产品一批,售价10000元,增值税额为l700元,产品已经发出,款项已通过银行收妥,该批产品的生产成本为7000元; (3)以银行存款发放职工工资11000元; (4)收回应存款发放职工工资15000元,存入银行; ...
【单选题】CPU224型PLC共有( )个定时器。
【判断题】The teleological theory suggests that a certain decision is right if it is what most people consider moral.
【多选题】How should we balance the major ethical theories against each other in bioethics?
The moral theories all have their own strengths & weaknesses. Luckily our task is not to decide which is the right moral theory, it is to decide whether the actions in clinical practice makes possible are or aren't morally acceptable.
Teleological theories emphasize the outcome or end; deontological theories emphasize the means or manner of the action being performed; feminist theories emphasize love, compassion, kindness, self-esteem and justice; care ethics emphasizes the individual nature of the patient, & the situation, & that those directly involved in the care will have a different perspective from others who are divorced from the situation; virtue ethics emphasizes the behavior of the professional.
We are at liberty, therefore, to use all above theories (& indeed any other consideration that seems to apply so long as we have a good argument for it). If you are new to moral decision-making you might find it useful consciously to test a given moral dilemma against each of these theories in order to work out what each theory would say about it.
Having worked out what each theory would say you will then be in a much better position to decide what you think. If you are going to use teleological theory, this needs to be balanced with either deontology or feminist principles. Likewise, if you are going to use deontology, balance this with teleological or care or virtue ethics.
【单选题】Teleological or consequence-oriented theories judge the rightness of a decision based on
The feelings of the person making the decision
The opinions of others who see the results of the decision
How many people agree that the decision was right
The outcome or predicted outcome of the decision
【简答题】用C语言编制微机与单片机的串行通讯程序:首先单片机向微机发送字符“ INPUT 1: LED10 ON ;INPUT 2 : LED10 OFF" ,其中1、2指字符。然后单片机等待微机键盘输入,若输入“1”,控制LED10点亮,若输入“2”,控制LED10熄灭。要求使用串行口1采用模式1进行通讯,T1作为波特率发生器,T1工作在8位自动重加载模式,SMOD=1,波特率为9600...
【简答题】波特率的单位是( ) ,若串口工作在方式 1下,一秒向外传送490帧数据,其波特率为( ) 。