【单选题】He devoted most of his time to his research, believing his hard work would___sooner or later.
【单选题】The sooner one _____ to the new working conditions, the better it will be _______ his working efficiency.
【单选题】He stopped his friends, beginning his story____, declaring his innocence(清白). [ ]
【单选题】I couldn’t help but wonder how country life would change the funny, lazy Tom who had once put up a notice on the wall above his bed that _____, WAKE FOR FOOD. [ ]
【多选题】在中国,发展社会主义民主政治,保证人民当家作主,保证国家政治生活既充满活力又安定有序,关键是要坚持( )有机统一。
【单选题】He was busy with his work but he went to see his grandmother________. [ ]
【单选题】He devoted most of his time to researching into space, believing his hard work would ______ sooner or later.