【单选题】按照精神分析学家拉伯波特的总结,精神分析学说大致概括为五个观点:即适应观点、结构观点、动力观点、发展观点和( )
【单选题】During the nine years of his career , France Batiste has won the ____ of a wide audience outside Italy .
【单选题】五千年中华文明中,许多文人墨客写下名篇,流传于世,他们按时代早晚顺序,排列正确的是( )。
【单选题】During the nine years of his career , France Battiate has won the ________of a wide audience outride Italy .
【单选题】利用惠更斯原理,可以解释 ,但是在解释 上遇到了困难。
【简答题】During the nine years of his career, France Batiste has won
the ____ of a wide audience outside Italy . (1.0分)A. A) enjoyment B. B) appreciation C. C) evaluation D. D) reputation
【单选题】During the nine years of his career, France Battiate has won the _____ of a wide audience outside Italy.
【多选题】综合分析中的杜邦分析法的特点有( )。