【单选题】single-parent child should have the right to enjoy normal parental love from both just as his other peers, which some psychologists see as to _______their emotional well-being.
【多选题】甲因泄私愤,杀害了乙。乙妻丙、子丁继承了乙的财产。下列说法正确的是哪些?( )
【单选题】1980 年 10 月 14 日,中国科学院紫金山天文台发现了一颗绕太阳运行的小行星, 2001 年 12 月 21 日,经国际小行星中心和国际小行星命名委员会批准,将这颗小行星命名为“钱学森星”,以表彰这位“两弹一星”的功臣对我国科技事业做出的卓越贡献。若将地球和“钱学森星”绕太阳的运动都看做匀速圆周运动,它们的运行轨道如图所示。已知“钱学森星”绕太阳运行一周的时间约为 3.4 年,设地球绕太阳...
【单选题】Social psychologists have long observed that, on first meeting, people automatically each other in three ways: by sex, by age and by race.
【单选题】英译汉:“non-epizootic areafoot and mouth diseaseheat treatment”,正确的翻译为:( )。
【简答题】固态继电器,简称 , 它是输入、输出功能由 完成而无机械运动部件的一种继电器。
【单选题】To be self-centered does not mean to disregard the worth of other people.( ) , most psychologists would probably accept the position that we are all self-centered.