【单选题】What is increasingly seen as the ideal in the establishment of a career? (Para.9)
The study of humanities and the science.
A pairing of technical knowledge and inner sight.
【单选题】In Para. 2, the word " institution" refers to ________.
【简答题】Para. 9 suggests that inner insight, combined with_______ knowledge, is ideal for the establishment of a good career.
【简答题】如图是花的主要结构模式图,请据图回答. (1)花的主要结构是雄蕊和雌蕊,雄蕊的④______中有花粉,雌蕊的______中有胚珠. (2)花粉落在①______上,萌发长出花粉管,穿过②______,到达胚珠内部,胚珠里面的______,与来自花粉管中的______结合形成受精卵,这个过程叫做受精. (3)受精作用完成后,③继续发育成______,③中的子房壁发育成______,③中的胚珠发育成_...