【单选题】How many of the positive integers less than 25 are 2 less than an integer multiple of 4?
【单选题】女性,20岁, 头晕 面色苍白2年,吞咽困难,血红蛋白65g/L,网织红细胞0.02,白细胞及血小板正常,血片见红细胞大小不等,中心浅染,首选抗贫血制剂为
【单选题】当条形磁铁从螺线管 右端插入,由左端抽出时,螺线管里的感应电流的方向是否相同?
【简答题】钢筋常用的 3 种连接方法是 、 和 。
【简答题】A.About two hours. B.Less than an hour. C.More than two hours and a half. D.Less than an hour and a half.
【简答题】A.than B.less than C.the same as D.no less than
【单选题】count = count = 0 n=3 while count < n: print (count, " is less than 3" ) count=count + 1 else: print (count, " is not less than 3" )
0 is less than 3 1 is less than 3 2 is less than 3 3 is not less than 3
1 is less than 3 2 is less than 3 3 is not less than 3
1 is less than 3 2 is less than 3 3 is less than 3 4 is not less than 3
0 is less than 3 1 is less than 3 2 is less than 3 3 is less than 3 4 is not less than 3