【简答题】which of the following is said to be the main reason why more people are looking for work? [A] Young people start working younger. [B] Recent graduates have entered the labor market. [C] More people m...
【单选题】NEW HORIZONS Are you looking for something interesting to do? Then why not work abroad for a year or two? We have jobs in most parts of the world - including Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia. We have...
【单选题】该小说的写作背景之一是发源于英格兰中部地区十八世纪的工业革命(The Industrial Revolution )。工业革命使得资本主义生产完成了从工场手工业向机器大工业过渡的阶段,掀起了一场以机器取代人力,以大规模工厂化生产取代个体工场手工生产的一场生产与科技革命,在这个被历史学家称之为“机器时代”(the Age of Machines)的社会中,人对机器的依赖越来越严重,人与人之间的关系也...