【单选题】What does the author mean by 'It just means they have to use a scalpel rather than an invisible mallet' (The last line, Paragraph 5)?
The gang members should be given a get-tough attitude in the long run.
The targeted gang members rather than all of them should be given a get-tough treatment.
A scalpel can cut off the tumors of the society while the invisible mallet fails to.
A scalpel is more powerful than the invisible mallet.
【简答题】Besides refreshing the mind again and again on what have been learnt, thus maintaining a certain individual and overall standard of knowledge, examinations can also______.
【单选题】As a new driver, I have to practise _________ the car in my small garage again and again.
【单选题】As a new driver, I have to practice _________the car in my small garage again and again. [ ]
walking C. walked D. having walked
【单选题】相对而言,( )是中国传统诗学的一对重要概念。
【简答题】二十三岁妇女。停经10周,阴道不规则流血10多天,量不多,暗红色,血中伴有小水泡物。妇科检查:BP140/90mmHg。子宫前倾,如孕4个月大,两侧附件可触到鹅卵大、囊性、活动良好、表面光滑的肿物。本病例最可能的诊断是A、双胎妊娠 B、妊娠合并子宫肌瘤 C、妊娠合并卵巢囊肿 D、先兆流产 E、葡萄胎 一旦以上诊断明确,首选的处理方法是A、化疗 B、止血 C、抗生素控制感染 D、清宫术 E、全子宫切...