【单选题】有一种观点认为,到21世纪初,与发达国家相比,发展中国家将有更多的人死于艾滋病。其根据是:据统计,艾滋病毒感染者人数在发达国家趋于稳定或略有下降,在发展中国家却持续快速上升;到21世纪初,估计全球的艾滋病毒感染者将达到4 000万~1.1亿人,其中,60%将集中在发展中国家。这一观点缺乏充分的说服力。因为,同样权威的统计数据表明,发达国家的艾滋病感染者从感染到发病的平均时间要大大短于发展中国家,而...
【判断题】决定材料强度的最基本因素是原子间接合力,原子间结合力越高,则弹性模量、熔点就越小。( )
【单选题】Which of the following is one of the four well-known American technical reports?
【单选题】Which of the following is not the feature of technical reports?
【单选题】Which of the following criteria is used to classify technical reports into primary reports, progress reports, interim reports, and final reports?
【单选题】It has been said that most of the structural faults of technical reports result from the author's ______ with what he is writing that he neglects to worry enough about how and for whom he is writing.