【单选题】某社会工作服务机构的社会工作者联系了街道辖区内某三甲医院的医生、护士、营养师、康复治疗师等,为老人提供医疗康复服务;协调辖区内某单位食堂为老人提供配餐服务。上述做法最能体现社会工作( )的特点。
【判断题】There are four seats in each row of second-class seats on high-speed railway.
【简答题】在平均海拔为 4500m 的高原上,大气压力只有 5.73 × 10 4 Pa 。试根据下式计算那里水的沸点。已知水的摩尔汽化焓为 40.68 KJ·mol -1 ln(p/Pa)=25.567-5216/(T/K)
【单选题】Second class seats of G49 are all____________ up.
【单选题】某单位在大学设立奖学金,每年年末存入银行 2 万元,若存款利率为 3% ,第五年末可得本利和多少( )。
【单选题】Sorry, second class seats of G19 are all ______________.
【单选题】Sorry, second class seats of G19 are all booked ______________.
【单选题】某单位在大学设立奖学金,每年年末存入银行 3万 元,若存款利率为 2.75% 。按复利计算第 4 年末可得款多少万元?
【单选题】The second-class seats are ______________ than first-class seats.