【单选题】女, 55 岁。皮肤黄染进行性加重 1 个月。 10 天前发现小便呈浓茶样,近几天来大便呈灰白色。査体: T36.8 ℃ , 皮肤、巩膜黄染,腹软,右上腹可触及肿大的胆囊,无压痛,无反跳痛。 该病人手术治疗后第 4 天发生上腹剧烈疼痛,腹腔引流量明显增加,引流液淀粉酶 15000U/L 。病人最有可能发生的并发症是
【简答题】'Hitler and the Germans,' an exhibition in Berlin's German Historical Museum which aims to investigate the society that created Hitler, has seen more than 10,000 visitors walk through its doors since ...
【单选题】C 语言中, int 类型数据占 2 个字节,则 long 类型数据占( )
【单选题】Dr Corell heads a team of some 300 scientists who have spent the past four years investigating the matter in a process known as the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA). The group, drawn from the e...
The albedo of the poles will be larger if snow melts.
the albedo of snow is larger than that of the exposed dark earth if snow melts.
More energy is needed to warm up the Arctic since the atmosphere there is thinner.
Less solar energy is lost in volatilization at the poles than at the equator.
【单选题】“土字头”和”“土字底”的长横与竖中线的关系?( )