【简答题】Eleven-year-old Antonin Careme could not believe that his father ordered a lot of delicious food. It was an unexpected(意料不到的) dinner b__1__ the Careme family was poor. When he was eating thankfully, h...
【简答题】He has ordered a watch on line for his father and it _______ to him before Father’s Day此题出自2015年甘肃兰州中考英语真题及答案,2015年甘肃兰州中考英语试题及答案 He has ordered a watch on line for his father and it _______ to him bef...
【单选题】在换热器中采用的膨胀节,其中最常用的是( )。
【单选题】【2009-22】在工人工作时间消耗的分类中,必须消耗的工作时间不应包括( )。
【简答题】燃烧的月亮 迟子建 1 太阳是不大懂得养生的,只要它出来,永远圆圆的脸,没心没肺地笑。它笑得适度时,花儿开得繁盛,庄稼长势喜人,人们是不厌弃它的;而有的时候它热情过分了,弄得天下大旱,农人们就会嫌它不体恤人,对它骂几声。看来过于光明了,也是不好。月亮呢,它修行有道,该圆满时圆满着,该亏的时候则亏。它的圆满,总是由大亏小亏换来的。所以亏并不一定是坏事,它往往是为着灿烂时刻而养精蓄锐。 2 故乡的夜晚...
【简答题】缺词填空。 Eleven-year-old Antonin Careme could not believe that his father ordered a lot of delicious food. It was an unexpected (意料不到的) dinner (1)b__________ the Careme family was poor. When he was eatin...
【单选题】His father ordered him ________ to bed too late in the evening.