【单选题】阎立本是我国唐代著名画家,他的绘画线条刚劲有力,色彩古雅沉着,笔触较顾恺之细致,人物神态刻画细致,其作品备受当世推重,被时人列为“神品”。以下作品不属于阎立本的是( )。
【单选题】听力原文:M: Have you heard if Frank is coming back today? W: He was supposed to arrive next week, but he's coming the day after tomorrow. Q: When will Frank arrive? (3)
The day after tomorrow.
I 型肺泡上皮细胞的细胞器不发达,吞饮小泡丰富
【简答题】A.He will be happy to share their dessert B.He did not know what time he was supposed to arrive. C.He expected the traffic to be bad. D.He is not upset that they ate lunch.
【单选题】What was Tom supposed to do a quarter later?
He was supposed to go out for lunch.
He was supposed to come back home.
He was supposed to have a meeting.