【单选题】应征公民拒绝、逃避征集服兵役的由县级人民政府责令限期改正,拒不改正的,在 ( )年内不得被录取为国家公务员、国有企业职工,不得出国或者升学。
【单选题】对自己无法接受的事实潜意识地加以拒绝,以逃避心理上的痛苦。这属于( )
【单选题】2- 甲基丁烷和氯气发生取代反应时,生成一氯化物异构体的数目是 ( )
【单选题】The title of the passage'Timberwolves are marching to a new tune'means that______.
the team has changed from having to arrange a good combination of players around its only superstar into a new state in which more players are performing wonderfully
the team has changed from having to arrange a good combination of players around Kevin Gamett into a new combination of players around the new stars Lennon and Starr
the team has improved so much that it has entered a new stage
the team has organized demonstration with some musical instruments playing beautiful tunes
【单选题】2-甲基丁烷和氯气发生取代反应时,生成一氯化物异构体的数目是 ( )