【简答题】(1) 49gH 2 SO 4 分子_________mol,含有O原子___________个。完全溶于水,配成2 L溶液,则所得溶液的物质的量浓度为_____________________。 (2)同温同压下,质量相同的五种气体: ① CO 2 ② H 2 ③ O 2 ④ CH 4 ⑤ SO 2 所占的体积由大到小的顺序是(填序号,下同)_________________; 所含原子数由多...
【简答题】翻译: For instance, s usually wants to learn a foreign language in a hurry, unlike children, who can devote more time to language y. Because most s do not like to appear foolish, they of...