【单选题】Which one is a modernistic novelist?
【单选题】Jane Austen is a great English novelist or a great American novelist?
【单选题】Which of the following writers is a novelist of the 20th century?
【单选题】Which one is a modernistic novelist?
【单选题】Which of the following is a novelist?
【单选题】Which of the following writers is the greatest English critical realist novelist who showed the misery of the common people?
【简答题】患者李某,女性,62岁。患者'反复胸痛20余年,加重5天'为主诉来院诊治。症见:心疼憋闷,间断发作,劳累或情绪激动后发作,每次持续3~5分钟,伴有心悸盗汗,虚烦不寐,腰膝酸软,头晕耳鸣,口干便秘,舌红少津,苔薄,脉象促代。其辨证分型是A、心悸心血不足证 B、心悸瘀阻心脉证 C、胸痹气阴两虚证 D、胸痹心肾阴虚证 E、胸痹心肾阳虚证 其治法是A、温补心阳,安神定悸 B、振奋心阳,化气利水 C、益气养...
【单选题】Which of the following is the most famous work of the American novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald?
The Sound and the Fury
Long Day Journey into Night