【单选题】Windows系列操作系统在配置网络时应该遵循的基本顺序为(6),安装了该类操作系统后主机之间的资源共享与访问不能通过(7)协议实现。主机A、B安装了 Windows 98,A可访问B的共享资源,而B不能访问A,可能是由于(8)。在配置 Windows的TCP/IP协议时,如果希望该主机自动获得IP地址,或者将局域网中的主机名直接映射为TCP/IP协议中的域名,则所需要的职务分别为(9)。通常情况...
【简答题】A.She doesn't think that Oakville is very far. B.She thinks the man misunderstood what he C.She didn't know that Matthew planned to move to Oakville. D.She wants to buy a car from Matthew.
【单选题】The revolutionary changes being made in increasing the rice harvest in the Far East are important enough to be included in the news and to be known by people.