【单选题】We can file an action in the district court and()an injunction against your competitor.
【单选题】What does “ injunction” mean “ Amazon argued that an injunction was necessary”.
Control, management, or advice
A situation where someone’s involved in a particular issue to influence what happens
An order given by a court, which tells someone not to do something
A place where one road, track etc, joins another
【简答题】An injunction usually is issued to _________.
【单选题】春秋时期,一些诸侯国不再把新得到的土地分给贵族作为封地,而是直接派行政官员去管理。该现象说明当时( )
【单选题】《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定:法定休假日安排劳动者工作的,用人单位应当支付给劳动者的工资报酬为( )。
【简答题】农业税政策的演进与终结 2006 年 1 月 1 日起废止《农业税条例》。我国全面取消农业税,农业税已成为历史。 中国历史上有记载的农业 税收 为 春秋时期 (前 594 年)鲁国实行的 “ 初税亩 ” ,汉代叫“租赋”,唐朝称“ 租庸调 ”,国民政府时期叫“田赋”;期间在历朝对 税制 多次进行改革。 1949 年中华人民共和国成立后,也未停止征收农业税。中国为传统的农业国,农业税收一直是国家统治...
【单选题】Question 2 A prohibitory injunction orders the defendant to do something positive.