在过去几十年里,阿根廷经历了长期的恶性通货膨胀,那里的人们对价格和工资的大幅度变动已司空见惯,合同通常只签很短的时期。另一方面,瑞士长期以来价格水平十分稳定。合同经常签数年。政府支出的增加在哪个国家会更有效地提高产量水平?(提示:考虑一下每个国家的总供给曲线形状) During the last decades,Argentina has undergone long periods of high inflation.People thereare used to substantial variation in prices and wages.Contracts usually cover only short periods oftime.Switzerland,on the other hand,has had a very stable price level for a long time.Contractsare often set to cover several years.In which of the two countries would an increase in governmentspending be more effective in raising the level of output?(Hint:Think of the shape of the aggregatesupply curve in each country.)