【判断题】"Balance delay" is another name for the percentage of idle time in a process layout.
战国中期,吿子(告不害)曾说:“性无善与无不善也......性犹湍水也,决诸东方则东流,决诸西方则西流。人性之无分于善不善,犹水之无分于东西也。”无独有偶,在西方历史上,也有一位主张人性本无善恶的思想家,他认为,人之初始,人心都是空如白纸的,根本不存在善与恶的问题,善与恶的心理观念和道德品质,都是后天的因素造成的,尤其是教育因素造成的。这位主张人心如白纸说的思想家是 A.卢梭
【判断题】The percentage of idle time in an assembly line is called cycle time.
【单选题】In an iostat report, which of the following options best describes the value of % idle?()
A representation of the equation (tps/kbps)*100
The percentage of time the disks are idle with no activity
The percentage of time the disks are idle with no outstanding CPU requests
The percentage of time the CPU is idle with no outstanding disk I/O requests
【判断题】An idle percentage of zero means a line is perfectly balanced.
【单选题】It is reported that crimes are most likely to happen in cities ______ a large percentage of unemployment.
【判断题】"Balance delay" is another name for the percentage of idle time in a product layout.