【单选题】患者,女性,75岁。医嘱60分钟内静脉滴注5%葡萄糖氯化钠100ml+头孢拉定3.0g 选择静脉输液的穿刺部位,不正确的是
【单选题】患者女性, 75 岁,医嘱静脉滴注 5% 葡萄糖氯化钠 100ml+ 头孢拉定 3.0g ,要求在 60 分钟内输完。 prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ?xml:namespace> 输液过程中护土巡视发现液体不滴,轻轻挤压茂菲滴管有阻力,检查无回血,正确的处理是
【单选题】患者,女性,75岁。遵医嘱静脉滴注5%葡萄糖氯化钠100ml 头孢拉定 3.0g 。若上述液体要求40分钟内滴完,护士选用输液管滴系数为20,应调节输液滴速为
【单选题】患者女性, 75 岁,医嘱静脉滴注 5% 葡萄糖氯化钠 100ml+ 头孢拉定 3.0g ,要求在 60 分钟内输完。 prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ?xml:namespace> 用滴系数为 15 的输液器,应调节输液滴速为每分钟
【单选题】设函数y=f(x)在区间(1,5)内为增函数,则f(3)-f(2) 0
【单选题】(1) ___________________. It is in college that you will truly discover what learning is about. I also want to tell you: “Education is what you have left after all that is taught is forgotten.” What I ...
Please treasure your college years.
College will be the most important years in your life.
Most importantly, make friends and be happy.