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Bestsellers for last week A Special Relationship This novel is about a woman whose entire life is turned upside down in a very foreign place despite the fact that people there speak her language. Sally Good child is a 37-year-old American who, after nearly two decades as a highly independent journalist, finds herself pregnant and in London. She married an English foreign correspondent, Tony Thompson, whom she met while they were both on assignment in Cairo. From the beginning, Sally’s relationship with both Tony and London is an uneasy one: She finds her husband and his city to be far more foreign than imagined. But her adjustment problems soon turn into a nightmare(噩梦). She discovers that everything can be taken down and used against you, especially by a spouse (配偶) who now considers you an unfit mother and wants to prevent you from ever seeing your child again. Born in 1955, Douglas Kennedy is the bestselling author of romances such as “ The Big Picture ”. He is also the author of several praised travel books. White Hot Sayre Lynch decided never to return to her hometown Destiny, after she changed her last name and finally escaped from the influence of her controlling father, Huff Hoyle, who owns the iron foundry that the town is built around. But when Danny, her younger brother, is found dead with a shotgun in his mouth, Sayre unwillingly goes back for his funeral and is annoyed when her father’s handsome lawyer, Beck Merchant, tries to please her. When the young officer investigating(调查) the case notes that some of the evidence points to murder rather than suicide(自杀), Sayre finds herself unable to leave Destiny. She’s annoyed by Beck’s constant presence, and she is not sure if he’s trying to help or throw her off the trail. Nor does she trust her father or her older brother, Chris, who is as prime suspect in Danny’s murder. As she tries to figure out how the handsome, charming Beck fits into the picture , she finds herself deeply attracted to him.] Sandra Brown is the author of 51 New York Times top-five bestsellers. She began her writing career in 1981 and has since published 65 novels. 小题1:From the brief introduction of “A Special Relationship” we can imagine _____. A.Sally and Tony’s marriage is pleasant. B.Sally and Tony may break up. C.Sally and Tony often quarrel about their jobs. D.Sally is hard to get on with. 小题2:The story of Sally and Tony mainly happens in _____. A.America B.London C.Cairo D.Cairo & London 小题3:It can be learned from the passage that______. A.Chris killed Danny. B.Lynch is Sayre’s real family name. C.Huff Hoyle knows who killed Danny. D.Sayre fell in love with Beck. 小题4:In the introduction of White Hot, the underlined phrase suggests_____. A.Sayre thinks Beck has something to do with Danny’s death. B.Sayre thinks Beck is the right person she wants to marry. C.Sayre likes the handsome Beck in the picture. D.Sayre doesn’t know whether Beck likes her.
【简答题】Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once. A. hinge B. vary C. much D. particulates E. locating F. s...
【单选题】Write MATLAB codes to implement DSSS system sinmulation, The system is a 2-user system with a 2-path frequency selective fadingchannel for each user, The power for each path is half the total transmit...
N_Trials=300; N_number=100; N_snr=10; N_users=2; N_path=2; Delay=1; Q=16; N_samples=N_number*Q; E_M=0; for trials=1:N_Trials trials noise=randn(N_users.*N_path,Q*N_number)+j.*randn(N_users*N_path,Q*N_number); s10=round(rand(N_users,N_number)); ss_user=s10*2-1;  % without consideration of delayed path pn01=round(rand(N_users,Q)); pn=(pn01.*2-1)./sqrt(Q); S_spread=[]; for user=1:N_users s=kron(ss_user(user,:), pn(user,:)); S_spread=[S_spread; s]; end S_multipath=[]; for user=1:N_users s_user=S_spread(user,:); Suser_delayed=[zeros(1,Delay), s_user(1,1:(N_samples-Delay))]; S_multipath=[S_multipath; [s_user;Suser_delayed]]; end %___________the following is to generate Rayleigh fading coefficients N=N_users.*N_path; fad_c=fading(8,0.005,N_samples, N); fad=fad_c.'; % only use the amplitude; %phase is not used, which is equivalent to have an ideal phase %compensation by using channel equalization S_spread=S_multipath.*fad; %S_spread is the signal matrix of size users x N_number sgma=1; Error_M=[ ]; for snr_db=0:1:N_snr snr=10.^(snr_db./10)/2;  %Evaluate the SNR from SNR in dB N0=2*sgma.^2; Eb=snr.*N0; yy=sqrt(Eb./2)*S_spread+noise;      %received spread signals in the baseband Error_v_user=[]; for user=1:N_users y_path1=yy((user-1).*N_path+1, :); y_path_temp=yy((user-1).*N_path+2, :); y_path2=[y_path_temp(1,Delay+1:N_samples), zeros(1,Delay)]; Y_M_path1=[ ]; Y_M_path2=[]; for k=1:N_number ym1=y_path1(1,(k-1)*Q+1:k*Q); ym2=y_path2(1,(k-1)*Q+1:k*Q); Y_M_path1=[Y_M_path1;ym1]; Y_M_path2=[Y_M_path2;ym2]; end % Y_M is a matrix of size N_number x Q, each row correspinding to a % BPSK symbol ys=Y_M_path1*pn(user,:).'+Y_M_path2*pn(user,:).'; %despreading for a user y=ys.'; y_real=real(y); s_e=sign(y_real); s_e10=(s_e+1)./2; Error_snr=sum(abs(s10(user,:)-s_e10)); Error_v_user=[Error_v_user;Error_snr./N_number]; %A BER collumn vector for all the users and for each snr end  %for user Error_M=[Error_M,Error_v_user]; %BER matrix for all users and for all the SNRs end  % end for snr E_M=E_M+Error_M ; end   % end for trials BER=E_M./N_Trials; BER_T=[ ]; for snr_db=0:1:N_snr snr=10.^(snr_db./10); temp=sqrt(snr./(1+snr)); BER_THEROY=(1-temp)/2; BER_T=[BER_T,BER_THEROY]; end i=0:1:N_snr; semilogy(i,BER(1,:),'-r',i,BER(2,:),'ob',i,BER_T ,'*g'); xlabel('E_b/N_0(dB)') ylabel('BER') legend('User1 RAKE','User2 RAKE', 'Theoretical flat fading');
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no need
【单选题】听力原文:Members of the I.M.F. approved reform. measures that aim to increase the voting power of countries with growing economies. As a first step, they agreed to increases in the voting rights for China...
【简答题】(A)daydream (B)disagreement (C)factually (D)if (E)inevitable (F)inseparable (G)lays (H) (I)perspective (J)resides (K)that (L)thinking (M)thoughtfully (N)ultimately (O)wake To some thinkers, it...
【单选题】What view did the three Milesian philosophers share?
They all believed that the mythology had a basis in fact.
They introduced a scientific approach to explaining nature.
They thought that water was the original element.
They all agreed with the teachings of Socrates.
【单选题】What did All egheny College in Meadvilledo three years ago?
It tried to implement a novel financial aid program.
It added $ 2.5 million to its need-based aid program.
It phased out its merit-based scholarships altogether.
It cuts its merit-based aid to help the needy students.
【单选题】Write MATLAB codes to implement DSSS system sinmulation, The system is a 2-user system with a 2-path frequency selective fadingchannel for each user, The power for each path is half the total transmit...
N_Trials=300; N_number=100; N_snr=10; N_users=2; N_path=2; Delay=1; Q=16; N_samples=N_number*Q; E_M=0; for trials=1:N_Trials trials noise=randn(N_users.*N_path,Q*N_number)+j.*randn(N_users*N_path,Q*N_number); s10=round(rand(N_users,N_number)); ss_user=s10*2-1;  % without consideration of delayed path pn01=round(rand(N_users,Q)); pn=(pn01.*2-1)./sqrt(Q); S_spread=[]; for user=1:N_users s=kron(ss_user(user,:), pn(user,:)); S_spread=[S_spread; s]; end S_multipath=[]; for user=1:N_users s_user=S_spread(user,:); Suser_delayed=[zeros(1,Delay), s_user(1,1:(N_samples-Delay))]; S_multipath=[S_multipath; [s_user;Suser_delayed]]; end %___________the following is to generate Rayleigh fading coefficients N=N_users.*N_path; fad_c=fading(8,0.005,N_samples, N); fad=fad_c.'; % only use the amplitude; %phase is not used, which is equivalent to have an ideal phase %compensation by using channel equalization S_spread=S_multipath.*fad; %S_spread is the signal matrix of size users x N_number sgma=1; Error_M=[ ]; for snr_db=0:1:N_snr snr=10.^(snr_db./10)/2;  %Evaluate the SNR from SNR in dB N0=2*sgma.^2; Eb=snr.*N0; yy=sqrt(Eb./2)*S_spread+noise;      %received spread signals in the baseband Error_v_user=[]; for user=1:N_users y_path1=yy((user-1).*N_path+1, :); y_path_temp=yy((user-1).*N_path+2, :); y_path2=[y_path_temp(1,Delay+1:N_samples), zeros(1,Delay)]; Y_M_path1=[ ]; Y_M_path2=[]; for k=1:N_number ym1=y_path1(1,(k-1)*Q+1:k*Q); ym2=y_path2(1,(k-1)*Q+1:k*Q); Y_M_path1=[Y_M_path1;ym1]; Y_M_path2=[Y_M_path2;ym2]; end % Y_M is a matrix of size N_number x Q, each row correspinding to a % BPSK symbol ys=Y_M_path1*pn(user,:).'+Y_M_path2*pn(user,:).'; %despreading for a user y=ys.'; y_real=real(y); s_e=sign(y_real); s_e10=(s_e+1)./2; Error_snr=sum(abs(s10(user,:)-s_e10)); Error_v_user=[Error_v_user;Error_snr./N_number]; %A BER collumn vector for all the users and for each snr end  %for user Error_M=[Error_M,Error_v_user]; %BER matrix for all users and for all the SNRs end  % end for snr E_M=E_M+Error_M ; end   % end for trials BER=E_M./N_Trials; BER_T=[ ]; for snr_db=0:1:N_snr snr=10.^(snr_db./10); temp=sqrt(snr./(1+snr)); BER_THEROY=(1-temp)/2; BER_T=[BER_T,BER_THEROY]; end i=0:1:N_snr; semilogy(i,BER(1,:),'-r',i,BER(2,:),'ob',i,BER_T ,'*g'); xlabel('E_b/N_0(dB)') ylabel('BER') legend('User1 RAKE','User2 RAKE', 'Theoretical flat fading');
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no need
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